Tag Archives: charlie nash

Charlie Nash




Name and Twitter handle?

Charlie Nash / @MrNashington


Where were you born?

Hertfordshire, United Kingdom.


Which part of the world do you live in nowadays?

England, United Kingdom.


What’s your favourite video game of all time?

Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.


What was the last video game you enjoyed?

The Journey Down: Chapter One.


Can you describe some of the bullying you experienced?

I used to get bullied for being quite nerdy and not being as athletically fit and ‘strong’ as everyone else. I really disliked Physical Education (PE) and would prefer to do more creative things such as draw and think of game ideas which led to lots of name calling etc.


When did you manage the bullying?

Around Year 9 I stopped getting bullied as much, as people started liking me because I was funny and a little bit odd, hehe. Then by the start of Year 10 I had developed a good bunch of friends who were also nerdy like myself, and also a few friends that were not nerdy who stood up for me.


What effect do you think bullying had on you?

It definitely made me tougher. But I also think it was all for the best as the bullying is what led me to meet some of my good friends today.


What do you do now?

I am currently still in full time education, whilst developing games and doing a little bit of Video Game journalism in whatever time I have.


How is your life better now?

As I am still rather young (Or a “Pre-beard Indie” as Mike Bithell calls me) these experiences were not long ago (Which is not a bad thing,

as I’m sure the people reading this will find my experiences easy to relate to). Anyway, since I have been in the games industry it has

boosted my confidence massively by having to talk to others in the industry face-to-face at events such as Eurogamer Expo, which is a great

skill/trait to possess as it boosts your morale and makes it much easy to talk to people confidently. And I have met a bunch of cool people

as well such as Mike Bithell, Simon Roth, and Peter Molyneux.


Did you think your life was ever going to be this good?

I still have a long life ahead of me, but so far my life has been incredibly awesome and lots better than I thought it would be!


What would you like to say to a youngster thinking about getting into video games who is experiencing bullying right now?

I would say that there isn’t a better option to choose than Video Games, or any hobby really! When you have something that you are really

into, it creates something to look forward to when you are at school. Then when you are really into video games and are desperate to use your own ideas and create your own stuff, learn a programming language so that you can put all your ideas to practise!



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