Where were you born?
Category Archives: Profiles
Andrew J. Smith
Name / Twitter?
Andrew John Smith / @SpiltMilkStudio
What do you do?
I run Spilt Milk Studios, an independent game developer. We make games for mobile, tablet, and eventually any digital platform we possibly can 😀
Where in the world were you born?
Harlow, Essex. Grew up in a nice little village called Hatfield Heath though. Nothing like TOWIE, I promise.
And where do you live these days?
Clapham, south London. And loving every minute of it.
What’s your favourite video game of all time?
A tough one as it depends on my mood, but the one that most frequently comes to mind is Super Mario World on the SNES. Just… peerless joy, fiendish level design and puts a smile on your face from start to finish.
What was the last game you enjoyed and why?
New Super Mario Bros WiiU, funnily enough! I’m a big Nintendo fan, but this – the first HD Mario – really hammers home how talented everyone at Nintendo HQ really is. The game plays as brilliantly as it always has, and the extra pixels they get to show aren’t wasted. In fact Mario’s world has never seemed so alive, so vibrant. It’s a wonderful game.
Can you tell us about some of the bullying you’ve experienced?
During my formative years – 14/15 years old – I was bullied at school very heavily for being gay. I’m not, but the people involved chose to believe that I was. As a kid coming into puberty at a school that had until then been a boys-only establishment, the particular focus on my sexuality was very traumatic. I felt very alone, was isolated by former friends, and of course became incredibly difficult around girls. The whole puberty thing is tough enough on a level playing field, but the whole thing became impossible to figure out in my head. Eventually it erupted into violence when I confronted one of the bullies, breaking his guitar (and very little else) and I was punished, made an example of by the school. Meanwhile, some of the bullies were punished, but nobody knew how. That was kept private, and to this day I have no idea what they had to do to atone. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t as bad as mine – forced to sit in a chair in full view of the whole year for the duration of any free time or free periods I had, and amongst the sixth formers two years ahead of me.
When did you finally learn how to manage the bullying and how?
I never really did. I essentially went home in tears most nights, the school went deaf on me and my parents, and eventually I confronted one of the bullies. I punched him once, then broke his acoustic guitar. It felt pretty good!
What effect do you think bullying had on you?
I don’t think it is incorrect to say that it definitely had an effect on my social development. That it occurred at such a key point in any young person’s life, and was indeed about the very thing that is the focus of that whole period of any person’s development – sexuality – meant that echoes of can still be felt now.
How is your life better now?
It initially made me very distrustful of friends, keeping them somewhat at arm’s length – purely because a lot of my former friends ‘turned’ on me, joining in and ignoring the bullying. But after a while that changed. I realised that you have very little control over how people behave towards you or react to you, so in new social situations – say for example the first few weeks of university – I made a point of just relaxing. If I had no control, then why sweat it? I’d also been through so much for so long, how could anything be worse? It made me relax, and I made an effort to be the funny guy. I also learned how to own embarrassment. If you laugh at your misfortunes before anyone else does, then it totally takes the sting out of anything anyone can say, and I have to say it’s a pretty great way to deal with everyday mistakes.
My life now is fantastic, if you’ll forgive the self-indulgence. I’m running my own games company, working with amazing and talented people all day every day. I live in London, one of the most vibrant and exciting places on earth, and I’m enjoying being single. I work out, I read, I enjoy the things I love without reservation and without worrying what anyone else thinks of me for doing so. Comics, music, movies, games, writing, skiing, whatever. I have a ton of really great friends all over the country and the world, and am able to call upon any number of people who I feel truly love and support me. I’ve never been happier.
Did you ever think your life was ever going to be this good?
Not really. I’m a bit of a daydreamer, so I always have something to work towards, but objectively I’m amazed at how fortunate I’ve been. That said I believe you make your own luck!
What would you like to say to a youngster thinking about getting into video games who is experiencing bullying right now?
Do your best to ignore them. I’d be more specific, but I think every case of bullying is different, so anything more than that could be poor advice. Know that whatever they say or do to you, you’re in control of your life. You will become whatever you want to be, you just need to set your heart on it. Bullies are sad, pathetic people who are more often than not hiding their own inadequacies behind their aggression. They’re often driven by jealousy and insecurity. Before you know it you’ll soar past them, and they’ll fall by the wayside. The games industry is a wonderful place, full of talented, passionate and friendly people. I can’t emphasise enough how much like a big, happy family it feels.
Hang in there, talk to the people you love about it, and do what you can to take control of your life. Don’t let them win.
The very fact they’re picking on you means you’re worth picking on. It’s pretty simple – they’re bad people, and they wish they were more like you. Fuck ‘em.
Joram Wolters
Michael Hicks
Name / Twitter handle?
Michael Hicks / @michaelartsxm
What do you do now?
I am currently perusing my dream of being a full time independent developer. I get to do every single thing I’ve ever loved to do…. program, design, make music for it, and even do some video editing work for the trailers. How cool of a job is that?
Where were you born?
Which part of the world are you in nowadays?
Orlando, Florida
What’s your favourite video game of all time?
The Movies… that’s a tough question though!
What was the last game you enjoyed?
Super Hexagon – the most rewarding game I’ve played in a long time!
Tell us about some of the bullying you experienced…
I wasn’t picked on as bad as some kids, but the times that I were are still very vivid in my mind… freshman year of High School was the worst really. I remember one time where a kid told me that I should go kill myself so he could come to my funeral and laugh. It was mostly a lot of verbal stuff I went through… being told I suck at music (I played trumpet in band, and recorded stuff on the side), and so on. I was a super shy kid up until my later years at High School; I didn’t know how to talk to people which made me a bigger target I think.
When did you manage the bullying?
I hid in music and video games when I would come home. I remember listening to In Rainbows by Radiohead every night for a long time… it’s still my favorite album, it gave me a lot of comfort. It was like one social rejection after another and listening to music that was heartfelt and sincere like that made me feel like I wasn’t alone. I also would play games like Oblivion to escape for a bit. I wrote a lot of songs back then, and it more and more became a catharsis type of thing, which I think helped me make better stuff and grow as an artist.
What effect do you think this kind of treatment had on you?
Being picked on taught me two valuable lessons. It made me see how fake a lot of people are and how easily they are persuaded by crowds. I remember a couple of popular “Christian” kids making fun of me early on because others were, but after I started playing in a band and had a few big shows these same kids wanted to associate with me and would always tell me how cool I was etc. Secondly, I learned the true “power of art” and how games/music/film can really be a positive force in people’s lives… this is a big motivating factor in why I publicly release the stuff I make.
How is your life better now?
Senior year of High School was really the best year of my life, everything started to go up hill from there. I made some really good friends and released my first published Xbox 360 game. I’ve released two more games since then and 25,000+ people have played them in the last few years! Considering all I’ve done with my life is make stuff, it’s the best feeling in the world to think about that many people checking out something I’ve made! I was recently interviewed for Official Xbox Magazine, Wired, Ars Technica… and my latest game Sententia was featured on the front page of Xbox Live last week!
Did you think your life was ever going to be this good?
Nope, not in the slightest. Everything that I value in my life “just happened”, which is ironic, since I have a tendency to obsess over a lot of things trying to ensure that they do! Things get better, but it’s likely when you least expect it… if you spend every waking moment trying to force something to happen, it just makes time go by slower.
What would you like to say to a youngster thinking about getting into video games who is experiencing bullying right now?
There are some great online communities (like Newgrounds) that will help you along every step of the way; heck, I met my best friend and current roommate online! Also, be yourself and make games that you would want to play! Don’t be afraid to show the world who you are in the process of making games. Chances are you if you’ve been bullied then you have some unique perspectives on life and people in general; video games desperately need honest things like this expressed in our medium…. we need you! =-)
Olav Larsen

Ash Morgan
Name / Twitter handle?
Ash Morgan / @Ranooth
What do you do?
I’m a producer (soon to be studio head) for a indie games company called Dojit and a bit of a testing consultant if people ever need help with it
Where were you born?
Hereford, United Kingdom
And where are you now?
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Favourite game of all time?
Dungeon Keeper 2
What was the last game you enjoyed?
Far Cry 3, total freedom in a great sandbox setting – plus you can re-create scenes from Rambo all the time
Tell us about some of the bullying you experienced.
My experiences with bullying were weird compared to others, I never had the “classic” big bully with his “cronies” who one would fear. My main bully was a person younger and smaller then myself and also someone I considered a friend, for the sake of this explanation let’s call him “Kid X”.
During my first year of High School a lot of kids would insult and call me names, spearheaded by “Kid X”. This was general hazing but I took it all to heart and lashed out which caused more people to mock me, I essentially became the joke of my year. Some kids decided to get physical and would punch me to see me react. I remember being punched in the guy pretty hard for not giving up a seat quick enough. Teachers would commonly see what happened and do nothing, or worse blame me. I was told many times that I was the problem and was told that my weight was probably the cause. A teacher who ironically was quite large told me I had to lose weight or “face insults for the rest of my life”. The thing is I wasn’t that large a child, obviously I comfort ate a bit but I was hardly the fattest in my year.
The physical and bullying continued till my third year until I finally fought back against “Kid X”, I hardly remember the fight as I blacked out due to anger. I did however break “Kid X”’s leg and “win” the fight. I was suspended but I didn’t care, my parents understood why it happened and I was proud that I stood up for myself.
However this didn’t stop all the problems, I lost the rest of my friends because my teachers forced them to decide between me and “Kid X” and again I quickly became the joke of the year all over again although all the physical bullying stopped. Teachers did nothing about it and I just learnt to accept it, hide when I could and finish the school day as quickly as I could.
I have a million and one different stories of what happened in my time at school, but most boil down to someone insulting / attacking me, teachers doing nothing to stop it and blaming me instead, my self esteem dropping and my parents trying their best to support me and demand answers from the school.
When did you manage the bullying?
I didn’t really manage it at all; I took everything to heart and didn’t stand up for myself. I did stand up for myself a bit more after the fight but was still mocked. I was still ridiculed a little bit at the very beginning of college, but I was able to re-invent myself and find friends who actually liked/respected me.
What effect do you think bullying had on you?
My time at High School affected me a lot, at the time I doubted myself and had very little self esteem. I thought my life would be crap as people would pick on me forever.
Thankfully after college this wasn’t the case, but the memories of what happened still affect me, I find myself remembering little flashes of what happened and how I felt and it does really get me down. I do try my best to repress these memories but it doesn’t always work.
How is your life better now?
My life is kick ass! I found the girl of my dreams at the end of college and we’ve been together ever since, I went to an awesome uni and made a tonne of friends who I love. I graduated with a really good grade and a great little reputation in the indie games industry.
I have only really just started being a producer for Dojit but I am enjoying the challenge and what is coming next.
Did you ever think life was going to be this good?
Not at all, like i said earlier I thought people would continue to pick on and mock me throughout my life but things in my life have overall been great.
What would you like to say to a youngster thinking about getting into video games who is experiencing bullying right now?
Do not give up. I know it’s tough and you probably think it’s just going to get worse but keep going, keep believing and keep driving towards your dream. Bullies are odd creatures; they do what they do for little to no reason and will try and take EVERYTHING from you. You cannot let that happen, as long as you have your hopes and your self-respect you can achieve what you want in life and hold your head high. No amount of name-calling, threats or personal attacks can take that away from you.
Magnus Hollmo
Name and Twitter handle?
Magnus Hollmo / @SimGuruMeatball
What do you do now?
I work as an Art Director for Electronic Arts.
Birth place:
Hudiksvall, Sweden
Currently residing where in the world?
San Francisco, USA
Favourite video game of all time?
I have a very hard time picking a specific favorite. But I do have a lot of very fond memories from playing different adventure games by Lucas Arts and Sierra.
What was the last game you enjoyed and why?
Swing King on the iOS. Beautiful artwork combined with smart puzzles and fun physics-based gameplay.
Describe very briefly any of the bullying you experienced.
I was a very thin and fragile boy who spent time at home drawing or sitting in front of my computer rather than doing sports or trying to hang with the “cool” kids. I was different and was therefore an obvious target for bullies. It was mostly older boys who enjoyed anything from verbal abuse to vandalizing my school locker and even physical abuse. It wouldn’t stop as soon as I left school, they would also approach me on my ride home or any other location outside the school environment where they could get to me.
When did you manage the bullying?
I tried getting help from friends, parents and teachers at various time, but nothing really helped. Eventually, as I got older, and started at another school, I got better friends and learned to stand up for myself better. Also, since I was getting older, so were my bullies, so eventually they became a bit more mature themselves and the bullying disappeared.
What effect do you think it had on you?
In a way, you can say that bullying got me to where I am today. It made me more introvert and instead of being able to be social, I focused a lot on my art and computer knowledge. I learnt skills that helped me getting my first job in the games industry. I was pretty depressed during school and I was not able to focus on my homework or feel like I wanted to be in school at all, because of the bullying. So I wasn’t a very good student. I graduated with mediocre grades and did not know what to do with my life. It was then I learned that I actually had very particular skills and talent which were rare and highly desirable, so I started working with games straight out of high school.
How is your life better now?
I have a really hard time relating to when I was young. My life today is so completely different in all ways possible, for the better. I get to work with something I love every day, and I even get paid for doing so! I am surrounded by amazing and creative people, I laugh and have fun almost every moment of my life. I am also blessed by living in one of the most fascinating and wondrous cities in the world, a city where anything is possible and where people are accepted for who they are. Bullying stopped me from doing sports, but today I am very active and my current life allows me to do something I love every day, playing soccer! As a kid I never got to be social through sports, today sports have given me friends for life from places like Pixar and LucasFilm. Every day I am surrounded by things that I only dreamt about as a young boy and I look forward to every moment life will bring me!
Did you think your life was ever going to be this good?
Certainly not when I was a teenager, no. I felt very alone, scared and negative regarding life in general. Today it is the complete opposite, I believe that anything is possible and that life is wonderful!
What would you like to say to a youngster thinking about getting into video games who is experiencing bullying right now?
Believe in yourself. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you, you are unique and amazing! There is nothing you can’t accomplish. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help and never stop dreaming. There is a better tomorrow, trust me.
Dr. Mike Reddy

Charlie Nash
Name and Twitter handle?
Charlie Nash / @MrNashington
Where were you born?
Hertfordshire, United Kingdom.
Which part of the world do you live in nowadays?
England, United Kingdom.
What’s your favourite video game of all time?
Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.
What was the last video game you enjoyed?
The Journey Down: Chapter One.
Can you describe some of the bullying you experienced?
I used to get bullied for being quite nerdy and not being as athletically fit and ‘strong’ as everyone else. I really disliked Physical Education (PE) and would prefer to do more creative things such as draw and think of game ideas which led to lots of name calling etc.
When did you manage the bullying?
Around Year 9 I stopped getting bullied as much, as people started liking me because I was funny and a little bit odd, hehe. Then by the start of Year 10 I had developed a good bunch of friends who were also nerdy like myself, and also a few friends that were not nerdy who stood up for me.
What effect do you think bullying had on you?
It definitely made me tougher. But I also think it was all for the best as the bullying is what led me to meet some of my good friends today.
What do you do now?
I am currently still in full time education, whilst developing games and doing a little bit of Video Game journalism in whatever time I have.
How is your life better now?
As I am still rather young (Or a “Pre-beard Indie” as Mike Bithell calls me) these experiences were not long ago (Which is not a bad thing,
as I’m sure the people reading this will find my experiences easy to relate to). Anyway, since I have been in the games industry it has
boosted my confidence massively by having to talk to others in the industry face-to-face at events such as Eurogamer Expo, which is a great
skill/trait to possess as it boosts your morale and makes it much easy to talk to people confidently. And I have met a bunch of cool people
as well such as Mike Bithell, Simon Roth, and Peter Molyneux.
Did you think your life was ever going to be this good?
I still have a long life ahead of me, but so far my life has been incredibly awesome and lots better than I thought it would be!
What would you like to say to a youngster thinking about getting into video games who is experiencing bullying right now?
I would say that there isn’t a better option to choose than Video Games, or any hobby really! When you have something that you are really
into, it creates something to look forward to when you are at school. Then when you are really into video games and are desperate to use your own ideas and create your own stuff, learn a programming language so that you can put all your ideas to practise!
cocos2d::CCObject *
Rob Fearon

Rob Fearon / @retroremakes
I’m a full time carer who makes videogames. In that order. Sometimes I’m helping someone else live their life to the fullest, other times I’m flashing lights in people’s faces whilst sitting around in my underwear. Both of these things are good things, both of these things make me happy.
North West England
Space Giraffe
Dishonored, a game which happily hands you the toys and let’s you muddle your own way through to the finale, but really, it’s a game about owning your mistakes and rolling with them. That’s when it’s at its best.
I lived at the rough end of town at the wrong time for the town and the bullying there was constant. There were a couple of families where this stuff, it wasn’t just one lad gone awry, this was generational stuff. The same folks that bullied me, their parents bullied my parents and so it went before. Dad hit son hit whoever was passing and so it went on. One of the worst families for it lived at a house between mine and my best friends, they’d run out of the house when you passed it just to hurl abuse or to try and hit you. It was so screwed up, the parents would join in. I still don’t know what to make of that.
Years later, when I was much older, they’d lurk outside pubs waiting for fights with strangers, sometimes carrying weapons, whatever it would take. Their younger brothers would be at home, earlier in the day or evening repeating the same behaviour they pulled. Weird and saddening way to live your life, really.
At school, I went to the “best” school in the area. Miles away from home, up the more luxurious end of town. And y’know, “we” weren’t supposed to go there, not those of us from our end of town so myself and the two people who didn’t live in the normal catchment zone copped it there too. We copped it for not coming from families with money, we copped it for often being better spoken than the bullies, we copped it just for looking like we had two brain cells to rub together, we just copped it – I could rationalise a million reasons why but really, we just existed and for some reason, that was bad enough. Every break time someone would try it on, either cornering one of us in the grounds or just walking past hurling abuse or randomly slapping someone, anything to make us feel more uncomfortable.
At home that meant getting between my friends and my own house became a nightly chore of plotting routes, trying to plot safer routes. Do I go up past the flats, round the back of the shops and hope I can get through that way, all the time hoping they wouldn’t be at the shops? Do I go straight up the street and hope for the fastest route breaking into a run when I pass their house? Can I run fast enough tonight? Do I go down the avenue, up an alley, out the alley, across the road, into another alley, round the back and up again? How do I avoid making it look like this is the way I’m going to be going all the time because they would wait. They would be there. That’s just what they did.
At school, we grouped up. Safety in numbers. A disparate group of people who liked computer games, didn’t fit in with the rugby playing, football to your face not-like-us. Sometimes I’d sit and draw in the grounds, sitting somewhere fairly visible so if anything kicked off, I could just grab stuff and move on. I was a cheeky git, I’d answer back. Not smartly, bluntly. Sometimes if they cornered another lad, I’d walk up and tell them to shift it and move on. Sometimes I’d get a whack but at least the other lad could duck off. I was just something they couldn’t wrap their head round so I got it easier, not easy, it didn’t stop, just easier. Where easier is the difference between all the time, every break time and not all the time, every break time.
The school had no systems in place to deal with bullying and when the bullies were often “star pupils” who upped the prestige of the school, no interest in dealing with it either.
I managed the bullying, eventually, the day I left that school. When I walked out the door and I never had to speak to these people again, when I never had to face them again. I managed it. I managed it because it wasn’t happening anymore.
I managed the bullying at home by not being at home. I managed it by living elsewhere, by being elsewhere.
I still can’t see any other ways out. I didn’t really manage it, I endured it the whole time. And then one day, I wasn’t there for it to happen to and everything was better, I chose who I surrounded myself with and I surrounded myself with better people. Sometimes you can’t just make it stop but you can get through. And it’s knowing that there’s another side, knowing that it won’t happen forever, y’know?
It made me terribly unhappy for very long periods of time. Dealing with all this, it didn’t make me a better, stronger person. It didn’t break me, it didn’t make me. It was just this constant undercurrent of nastiness that I’d have to deal with, day in, day out. This constant hum of people trying to make me more miserable for no other reason than they decided to make me more miserable. It wasted my time, the time I spent plotting routes down the street, that was time I could have been doing something better. The time I spent dealing with abuse at school was time I could have spent doing something that made me happy instead. It’s time I should have been happier instead but someone wanted to take that from me. For a while, about 2 or 3 years, they did.
I don’t even hate them for it, I just feel terribly sad for them.
So I make videogames and people seem to like them. That’s great. It wasn’t quite what I’d planned, for some reason I once figured that being a rock star would be my best shot (OK, I was a teenager, I had plenty of reasons…) but turns out, it wasn’t really. And that’s OK. I think the videogames thing was probably for the best. I’ve met enough rock stars, I’ll stick with the flashing lights and underpants thing I have, not theirs.
I’m a carer, I don’t have the quietest of lives, it’s long hours, sometimes sleep is thin on the ground and it can be draining physically and financially but that’s OK too. Because I’m not the only person on the planet who deserves to be happy.
I have good friends out there in the real world, I’ve met a myriad of good and wonderful people through writing videogames too. I run one of the oldest indie related news sites on the net so I can cheer myself up whenever I choose by helping someone else get the word out about their work. That never fails. We have a small forum of people who’d pull their fingernails out if it meant it’d help someone else. I’m surrounded by good people on the internet, even my Twitter feed is full of the most wonderful people. I see what they do, every day, what they fight for, who they fight for and I’m happy to see that.
And I have a wonderful, wonderful family where every day, even when things have been hard (and they have been hard), every day there’s something to smile about.
I wake up, no matter what else is going on around me, I wake up safe. Always. There hasn’t been a day in the past 13 years where I haven’t woken up and had a laugh, where something hasn’t happened to cheer me up, to keep me pushing on. A few years back, I nearly shuffled off this planet due to illness and even then, with oxygen mask on, fighting to breathe, I smiled every day. We keep each other safe, we encourage each other to be what we can be, to be what we want to be. To be happy.
Anything else I’ve done, anything else I’ve achieved, it’s nothing compared to knowing you’re surrounded by people who want you to be happy. My life is immeasurably better for that and for five or so years in my teens, it seemed like the thing I could never have. Now I only have to think about the bullying when someone asks “Rob, were you ever bullied?” because everything else is OK.
I’m free.
Did you think your life was ever going to be this good?
No. There were times during the bullying where I couldn’t see an end in sight. Where I didn’t think it’d ever end. Where I didn’t think I’d ever get through it, where I didn’t see how I could get through it. When it’s every day, everywhere, and it’s all I knew, I couldn’t see outside of it.
Turns out though, yeah, you can get through it and the other side is much nicer too.
Make videogames. Go to your local library and ask them to stock a copy of this book. Or if you have ten pounds spare, buy a copy of the book. It’s the videogame equivalent of The Manual and that’s important to remember because The Manual is the best book on making videogames that isn’t about making videogames.
Or don’t. And make videogames anyway.
Just make videogames if that’s what you want to do because I want to play the videogames you make and I won’t be alone in that. Don’t let anybody tell you you can’t or shouldn’t make games. Of course you can and of course you should.
Find your voice. Make games. Be you.
What do you do now?
I’m a full time carer who makes videogames. In that order. Sometimes I’m helping someone else live their life to the fullest, other times I’m flashing lights in people’s faces whilst sitting around in my underwear. Both of these things are good things, both of these things make me happy.